Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Conference - Wellbeing and Creativity.

Too many children in the UK continue to fail to reach their fullest potential. We know that the gap is growing between those who thrive and those who do not. In addition, the implications of disadvantage compound and deepen over time: a disadvantaged infant is far more likely than her privileged peers to endure hardship later in life in terms of health, emotional, social and economic wellbeing. Wellbeing and creativity has always been of great concern to all those involved with children. Teachers know it promotes participation, social interaction and ultimately it gets results. However, with wider pressures arising from society, there is a fear that current pressures will affect young people negatively. In view this, and recent research, young people’s happiness needs to be taken much more seriously to enable children’s creativity. Practice already incorporates all the elements that support wellbeing. However, The Every Child Matters agenda now requires that schools be more explicit in how they address creativity and wellbeing for the benefit of each child.

Benefits individuals:

The programme helps practitioners to understand the ideas underlying recent theory, guidance and legislation. Will help practitioners develop more effectively as professionals, and will increase best practice without adding to their workload.

Benefits organisations:

The programme supports a collaborative approach to teamwork, by helping practitioners think about the development of relationship that enhance shared responsibility and cooperation within organisations and between agencies. The programme will also help professionals think about ways of evaluating impact and celebrating success.

Wellbeing and creativity: a programme overview

This conference delivers information and insights that are essential to all who work with children. What’s more, Equality Training’s renowned style of sound professionalism blended with equal helpings of challenge and fun makes for effective, enjoyable training days that achieve your objectives.


· Understand the definition of wellbeing and its impact on creativity.

· Evaluate the impact of strategies to improve wellbeing and creativity on participation and behaviour.

· Explore ways of raising aspiration through relationships, engagement and creative activity.

· Think about strategies the enhance happiness for children and adults.

· Make a positive difference to the life chances of all children in settings.

What people have said about our workshops on wellbeing and creativity:

“The day was a positive starting point, we still need to grasp the significance of our roles and potential to make a difference. I am very grateful for your energetic, intelligent and hard to hear issues.”

“It helped me understand the long-term impact of wellbeing, the importance of praising effort, and challenging our practice. I’ll be more aware of what’s important to the children I work with, not just what’s important from my perspective.”

“I gained clarity on the definitions that make up wellbeing, so I feel more comfortable in practice as a result. I have a better understanding of the issues, and I have gained confidence.”